17 research outputs found

    Attainable lengths for circular binary words avoiding k-powers

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    We show that binary circular words of length n avoiding 7/3+ powers exist for every sufficiently large n. This is not the case for binary circular words avoiding k+ powers with k < 7/3https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.bbms/113379334

    The Number of Ternary Words Avoiding Abelian Cubes Grows Exponentially

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    We show that the number of ternary words of length n avoiding abelian cubes grows faster than r^n, where r = 2^{1/24}NSERCcs.uwaterloo.ca/journals/JIS/VOL7/Currie/currie18.pd

    Repräsentationen von Gewalt und Gegengewalt im Werk Christoph Heins: eine diskursive Analyse

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    Representations of Violence and Counter-Violence in Christoph Hein’s Work: A Discourse Analysis Violence is generally defined as a daily phenomenon of human reality, which nowadays comes in different forms, involving verbal abuse, and which concerns all cultures and social classes. Violence is also a constitutive dimension in the work of the German author Christoph Hein. Regarding its universal importance and its presence in various discourses (literary and non-literary ones), but also its discursive and counter-discursive forms, the present article aims to de- and/or reconstruct different types of violence discourses, articulated and represented in the author's fictional texts. The prose of the author Christoph Hein is the main corpus of the present article. The representativeness of violence in fiction undeniably stems from a transcultural reflection, which does not only take into account the real and primary forms of violence (especially patriarchal), but also its sometimes invisible or even non-verbal mechanisms

    There Exist Binary Circular 5/2+ Power Free Words of Every Length

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    We show that there exist binary circular 5=2 power free words of every length

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Determination of Spectral Fundamental Parameters

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    In this review, we report and critically discuss the application of LIBS for the determination of plasma-emission fundamental parameters, such as transition probabilities, oscillator strengths, Stark broadening and shifts, of the emission lines in the spectrum. The knowledge of these parameters is of paramount importance for plasma diagnostics or for quantitative analysis using calibration-free LIBS methods. In the first part, the theoretical basis of the analysis is laid down; in the second part, the main experimental and analytical approaches for the determination by LIBS of the spectral line spectroscopic parameters are presented. In the conclusion, the future perspectives of this kind of analysis are discussed